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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Tak Sopan????

Teman-temanku (antaranya S, Fay, Lin, Hakim, Gari dan Kecik) menuduh ku bersikap keterlaluan kerana menamakan blog address ini "KERAS KENG". Hai kata ku, "Adakah semua yang keras itu lucah? Bagaimana dengan keras hati, keras mata, keras kepala dan lain-lainnya? Memberangsangkah kata-kata itu?" Tak ada jawapan daripada mereka. Menandakan apa yang dihujjah betul.

Tapi sempena hari baru dalam tahun baru ini, inginku terangkan.

KenG, kENg, keNG, keng ……

Begitulah bunyinya: besi yang ditempa dan anjing-anjing yang menyalak.

’Keng, keng, keng,...’ Di kampung nenek moyangku di Pantai Timur, salakan anjing yang berlarutan sepanjang malam, diumpamakan bunyi tukulan bertubi-tubi kepada besi yang terlalu keras. Agaknya dari sinilah timbulnya istilah ’keras keng’ untuk sifat seseorang yang suka bertegang leher dan berdegil tidak mahu menerima pendapat atau teguran. Sebagaimana besi yang keras sukar dibentuk maka seseorang yang keras keng sukar dididik. Besi perlu dibakar untuk dilembutkan, maka manusia perlu dicairkan hati mereka untuk menerima ajaran dan nasihat. Orang yang keras keng selalunya bengis, dan kebengisan dipanggil juga bengkeng.

Keng mungkin juga merupakan kata dasar kepada perbuatan yang menggeluarkan bunyi dari mulut, seperti ’tengking’. Iaitu sesuatu bunyi yang digerakkan oleh pasu-pasu (cheekbones).

Tengking menengking,
tengking menengking,
tengking menengking .......
antara dua orang sang keras keng.
Sewajarnya mereka ditempeleng!

Dah Agak Dah .....

Tiap-tiap tahun. Samo yo. Ekao borcuti, tinggal eden yo sorang-sorang buek kojo. Eden ponek takdo sapo tau! Tak apolah,

ontah apo yang baru? Perangai lamo jugo.

Friday, December 30, 2005


I will be celebrating the New Year 2006 with a resolution to be more spiritual. Specifically I shall be spending each day and month of the year reading verses from the Bible. And I encourage you to do so as well. Well, why not?

Erotic moments from Bible...
Mon Dec 5, 2:48 PM ET
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German Protestant youth group has put together a 2006 calendar with 12 staged photos depicting erotic scenes from the Bible, including a bare-breasted Delilah cutting Samson's hair and a nude Eve offering an apple.
"There's a whole range of biblical scriptures simply bursting with eroticism," said Stefan Wiest, the 32-year-old photographer who took the titillating pictures.
Anne Rohmer, 21, poses on a doorstep in garters and stockings as the prostitute Rahab, who is mentioned in both New and Old Testaments. "We wanted to represent the Bible in a different way and to interest young people," she told Reuters.
"Anyway, it doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that you are forbidden to show yourself nude."
Bernd Grasser, pastor of the church in Nuremberg where the calendar is being sold, was enthusiastic about the project which is explained online at www.bibelkalender.de.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Knowing Uncle, He Would Not Say Anything! He Would Just Pull the Trigger!

23 December 2005
What Would Uncle Bin Say?

OSAMA bin Laden's scantily clad niece sprawls provocatively on a bed in a picture which would horrify her terrorist uncle.

Wafah Dufour, 26 - daughter of bin Laden's brother - appears in GQ magazine wearing lingerie, a feather boa and high heels.

The Saudi beauty lives in New York and studied law before launching a pop music career.

Wafah, who took her mother's maiden name after 9/11, claims she has never met her feared uncle.

She said: "Everyone relates me to that man but I have nothing to do with him. I couldn't believe what was happening in New York. It was my home."

Berita Berita Berita

Hari ini kita dikejutkan dengan dua berita menarik.

Dalam berita pertama, rumusannya adalah: 'jangan tergopoh menjatuhkan hukuman'. Dalam berita kedua pula: 'buatlah hukuman setelah penyiasatan yang rapi dan teliti meskipun mengambil masa setahun'.

Sungguh menarik berita berita ini untuk mengakhiri tahun 2005.

1. MALAYSIA AIRLINES CONTROVERSY: Munir lodges police report
Marhalim Abas & Fadhal Ilahi Abdul Ghani
Malaysia Airlines chairman Datuk Munir Majid yesterday lodged a police report over an e-mail containing several allegations against him. The report was lodged at the Dang Wangi police headquarters in Jalan Stadium about 10am.

When contacted by The Malay Mail, Munir confirmed that he had lodged the report but declined comment, except to say: “I have to protect my legal interests”.

Dang Wangi police chief Assistant Commissioner Kamal Pasha Jamal confirmed the report.

He said the report was being investigated under Section 500 of the Penal Code for criminal defamation.

He said apart from identifying its author/s, the police would also look into the allegations raised in the e-mail.

As part of the investigations, individuals mentioned in the e-mail would also be called in to help in the investigations.

The e-mail, titled ‘MAS the Flying Buffet’, dated Nov 28, was made public when several senators mentioned specific allegations contained in it since last week (see accompanying story).

They also raised the allegations during a special briefing session with the new MAS managing director, Idris Jala on Dec 21.

The senators had asked for a meeting following allegations (raised by the e-mail) that extravagance and wastage on the part of the MAS management had contributed to the national carrier's losses.

Senator Datuk Kamarudin Ambok said the Senators also asked Idris about an allegation that the MAS chairman flew to London three times a week, but he (Idris) had not replied.

During the meeting with the senators, Idris told them that the management needed to raise RM3 billion to turn the airline around.

MAS became a hot topic when it reported a net loss of RM684.4 million for the first half of this year.

The losses were attributed primarily to high fuel prices with costs rising 45 per cent to RM1.2 billion which was significantly higher than RM799 million recorded in the same quarter of 2004.

Other contributing factors included staff costs, handling and landing fees, aircraft and maintenance and overhaul charges as well as wide asset unbundling (WAU) charges and leases.

2. Empat wanita mengaku tidak salah berbogel

PETALING JAYA 23 Dis. - Empat wanita berusia dalam lingkungan 20 hingga 30 tahun mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Majistret di sini hari ini atas tuduhan melakukan perbuatan lucah (membogelkan diri) sehingga menimbulkan kegusaran. Zainah Abdul Rahman, 23, Nor'Ain Mamis, 20, Zaleha Rahim, 30, dan Rena Miasin, 25, membuat pengakuan tersebut di hadapan Majistret Khainur Aleeza Ismail selepas pertuduhan dibacakan ke atas mereka secara berasingan.

Mengikut pertuduhan, Zainah dan Rena yang masing-masing mempunyai seorang anak serta Nor'Ain dan Zaleha yang bekerja di kelab malam didakwa melakukan kesalahan itu lebih kurang pukul 10.45 malam, 16 Disember lalu di Pusat Hiburan China Town 86-92, Jalan SS21/12, Damansara Utama di sini.

Mereka didakwa melakukan perbuatan lucah iaitu membogelkan diri sehingga mendatangkan kegusaran terhadap orang awam.

Pendakwaan dikendalikan oleh pegawai pendakwa, Cif Inspektor Azmi Awang Lah mengikut Seksyen 294(a) Kanun Keseksaan yang memperuntukkan hukuman penjara maksimum tiga bulan atau denda atau kedua-dua sekali.

Zainah diwakili peguam Roslie Sulle manakala yang lain tanpa peguam bela.
Azmi menawarkan jaminan ditetapkan sebanyak RM6,000 dengan seorang penjamin setiap seorang.

Khainur Aleeza selepas mempertimbangkan rayuan kesemua tertuduh menetapkan mereka masing-masing diikat jamin sebanyak RM2,500 dengan seorang penjamin.

Kes akan disebut semula pada 27 Mac 2006.

Memetik laporan akhbar bertarikh 17 Disember lalu, empat orang wanita dan seorang lelaki bergelar `Datuk' warga Singapura ditahan dalam satu serbuan polis di sebuah pub di Uptown, Damansara di sini.

Menurut laporan tersebut, keempat-empat wanita itu sedang asyik mempersembahkan tarian bogel sempena hari jadi lelaki itu di sebuah bilik khas yang terletak di tingkat dua pub tersebut.


I really feel naked walking past people surfing on their laptops at Starbucks, Coffee Beans or the like. Everyone is now taking full advantage of the WiFi facilities available around. The less savvy ones are still hanging around on their handsets and the more savvy ones, clinging on to their Acer Ferraris and the like. And I am still walking around without either.

Is WiFi or Wireless Fidelity a latest invention? Nope, according to my old schoolmate Prof. Arthur, now residing in Sydney. He wrote in to tell me that in his last research he came across the following report:

After digging to a depth of 100 metres in a remote section of Moscow, last year, Russian scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 1000 years, and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network one thousand years ago.

Not to be outdone, in the weeks that followed, American scientists dug 200 metres and headlines in the US papers read: 'US scientists have found traces of 2000-year-old optical fibres, and have concluded that their ancestors already had advanced high-tech digital telephone 1000 years earlier than the Russians.'

One week later, the Malaysian newspapers reported the following: 'After digging as deep as 500 metres, Malaysian scientists have found absolutely nothing. Nothing. Absolutely Nothing. They have concluded that 5000 years ago, their ancestors were already using wireless technology.'

Prof. Arthur further commented to me that he thought of seeking Australian citizenship, after having resided there for more than a quarter century now. However after the recent racial riots he had second thoughts about it. But after reading the above report, he has now decided finally, that he will not relinquish his Malaysian citizenship, and that he will die as Malaysian for the Malaysia Boleh spirit. Good decision Prof. Bila hang nak balik tengok banjir di Alok Setak? BTW Prof., the Education Attache at the Australian Embassy here reiterated that there is absolutely no university at Kings Cross. So what university are you attached to there?

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Yesterday I collected my MyKad. It was easy after all.

Went as far as Kota Damansara to do it. No hassle. Short queue. Easy parking. What more could I ask. That was two months ago when I went to apply for it, and pronto this week, that is, two days ago I got it. But how does it look? My gosh. Reflections of the ceiling light on my glasses. I look as if I am blind. My grey/white hair against the white backdrop. Made me look as if I am bald! No further comments. After all it is free. The MyKad is just exactly what I badly needed. An identity to remind me of my sex, race and religion. No dispute or excuses now. I could no longer plead ignorant and enter female toilets as it is very clear now that I am a male.

But words are around that we are now going replace this card with more sophisticated ones. Smarter ones. The card of the future or the Future Card. (This animated power point presentation sent me by Fay of Jiboi and Arthur of Sydney, takes a while to download. Once done, right click to see the animations) So beware fellow Malaysians, in future be careful of what you do, Big Brother will be watching you.

(Note: The MyKad above is not mine. So don't be too happy. It is a MyKad sample as circulated by IRIS, the technology provider)

Sunday, December 18, 2005

TSUNAMI - soon on me?

Will we have another Tsunami? Will it recur on this anniversary date of the one that struck Acheh (including also the Andaman, Sri Lanka, South India, Thailand, and Northern part of Peninsular Malaysia)?

According to a recent article in the Straits Times of Singapore: "Thailand's now iconic meteorologist, Dr Smith Dharmasaroja, who in 1998 predicted a killer tsunami would hit Thailand one day and was ignored, told The Straits Times that Singapore and Malaysia are also in danger from a future earthquake and tsunami.

'I believe the epicentre of future quakes will shift northwards, north of the Andaman and Nicobar islands. A big earthquake with a more northerly epicentre than the Dec 26 quake will generate a tsunami which will have a more direct route down to the Strait of Malacca, swamping Singapore and Malaysia. As the sea passage narrows, more water will build up and the wave will become bigger. Singapore is relatively low-lying and quite flat, and would be badly affected. Remember, in December, the tsunami was 30m high at Banda Aceh. At Khao Lak, it was 16m high,' he said".

To many of us, we think that earthquakes are not a common phenomena. And that is where we err. There are earthquakes almost weekly. Full records of earthquakes that had occured during the last 30 days .Maybe the magnitude is not one that would cause massive destructions such as the Tsunami of 2004, but let us be reminded that danger lurks.

The Koran reminded us of the ultimate destruction of the earth in the form of an earthquake or zilzilah. On how the mountains would overturn and the earth rolled up. But has the existing signs brought me closer to the Creator? I am still searching for the truth in me.

Seismic Monitoring is a real eye-opener on how far or near I am or we are to the epicentres of the quakes.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Scam 419

No matter how much I deny that I am in need of money, nobody just don't believe it. Somehow or other words have travelled around the globe that I need money. Perhaps the CITOS (credit information site of Bank Negara Malaysia wherein all details of credit defaulters are kept and broadcasted to all licensed financial institutions to warn them of the listed names of poor credit standing citizens) had been hacked by the donors, and my name picked at random. And amazingly I had been receiving generous offers through e-mails from faraway places such as Benin, Burkina Faso, Zaire, Kenya, Guinea and even Dublin offering me amounts that I never dreamt of. Even from those in high offices including one Mdme. Suha Arafat (with passport enclosed to provide credibility). If I tell them, in fact I did, that I am unable to be a recipient of those sums left behind by unknown relatives who died "in plane crashes"; due to my banking accounts now being frozen due to local credit defaults, they will say that I am indeed keras keng or obstinate plus plain stupid.

Having ignored numerous pleas by the securities companies where the 'loots' are stashed to claim them quickly before they close for the year, I am amazed still that I still am receiving now new offers, and on more generous terms! And this time playing and pleading on religious sentiments (how on earth do they know that I share with them a common religion is another wonder as I have not even got my MYKAD yet!). From a new location in China! What should I do? Should I tell the Police di Raja since this is a China issue? Or you wanna share the loot with me?

This scam is known as Scam 419.

The plea goes ...........

Assalam alaikum

From: Mr Mohammed Li of China.


Dear Beloved in Islam,

As you read this letter, please I don't want you to feel sorry for me because I believe everyone will die someday. My name is Mr Mohammed Li, a new Muslim convert/business merchants from China.I am married with 1 child but my wife along our only son died in a car accident one year ago. Since their death I too have been battling with oesophageal cancer which has make me lost my ability to talk.

It has defiled all forms of medical treatment and right now I have only about a few months to live, according to my doctor. Athough I still put my trust in the hand of almighty Allah. It is my wish to testify before you of my past behaviour until I converted Muslim. Though I am very rich, I was never Generous, I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret all this, as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world.

I believe when Allah gives me a second chance to come to this world, I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it. Now that Allah has called me, I have Willed and given most of my property and assets to my immediate and extended family members.

I want Allah to be merciful to me and accept my soul so, I have decided to give alms to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have distributed money to some charity organizations around. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore.I once asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money that I have there to earthquake victim in Pakistan/India but they refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence,I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them.

Beloved in Islam the last of my money which no one knows of is the cash deposit of 2.6m Euros (Two million six hundred thousand Euros) that I have with a Bank in Europe. I will want you to help me retrieve this deposit and dispatched it to earthquake victim in Pakistan/India.

The holy Quran emphasized so much on Allah's benevolence and this has encouraged me to take this bold step. I took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money and also I don't want this unbelievers to misuse this it. Hence the reason for taking this bold decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know that after death I will be with Allah the most beneficient and the most merciful. With Allah all things are possible. My happiness is that since I converted to Muslim, I lived a life of a true devoted muslim worthy of emulation. Please my beloved in Islam always be prayerful all through your life. Whoever that wants to serve Allah must serve him in truth and in fairness.

Beloved any delay in your reply will give me a room in sourcing for another devoted muslim for this same purpose as I may be going for a new operation soon. Meanwhile I have set aside 20% for your time in helping me to fulfill this holy work which am entrusting into your hand.

May the almighty Allah continue to guide and protect we Muslims all over the world.

Your brother in Islam,
Mr. Mohammed Li

Keng Bush

I thought my keng is hard enough but there appears to be another harder still.

Bush - Constitution
'Just A Goddamned
Piece Of Paper'
By Doug Thompson
Capitol Hill Blue

Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act.

Several provisions of the act, passed in the shell shocked period immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, caused enough anger that liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union had joined forces with prominent conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly and Bob Barr to oppose renewal.

GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

"I don't give a goddamn," Bush retorted. "I'm the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way."
"Mr. President," one aide in the meeting said. "There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution."
"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face," Bush screamed back. "It's just a goddamned piece of paper!"
I've talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution "a goddamned piece of paper."

And, to the Bush Administration, the Constitution of the United States is little more than toilet paper stained from all the shit that this group of power-mad despots have dumped on the freedoms that "goddamned piece of paper" used to guarantee.

Monday, December 12, 2005


"Keng" is the cheek-bone. Somehow or rather others must have it soft but mine is hard. They use to say it is as hard as tembaga - an alloy of copper, brass, nickel, silver, iron, etc. Whenever I couldn't agree with what the adults opined, they would just snarled to me and say "keras keng betul budak ning". And just yesterday Tun Mahathir encouraged all Malaysians to speak out. Be brave. So Malaysians be Keras Keng, if you are right, as I am always are ....

Will post more.

Girl from the Sara Tribe of
Africa. Not a keras keng
sufferer but a thing of beauty
among them.