Tanbih / Peringatan:
The Prophet sollahu 'alihi wassalam said:
"Allah does not punish the individuals for the sins of the community until they see the evil spreading among themselves, and while they have the power to stop it, do not do so." (Ahmad)
Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taimiyyah said:
"This is why those who are in authority are of two groups: the scholars and the rulers. If they are upright, the people will be upright; if they are corrupt, the people will be corrupt."
The Noble Qur'an - Hud 11:85
And O my people! Give full measure and weight in justice and reduce not the things that are due to the people, and do not commit mischief in the land, causing corruption.
The Noble Qur'an - Hud 11:113
And incline not toward those who do wrong, lest the Fire should touch you, and you have no protectors other than Allâh, nor you shall be helped.
The Noble Qur'an - An Nisa' 4:79
Whatever of good reaches you, is from Allah, but whatever of evil befalls you, is from yourself.
Saya sedang mencari-cari ahli-ahli yang pandai menghuraikan hal-hal di atas.
Saya tumpang baca huraiannya untuk meningkatkan indeks ilmu. Terima kasih kepada Bro Keng kerana mengutarakan topik ini. Didahulukan ucapan terima kasih kepada ahli-ahli yang sudi menghuraikan maksud.
Maybe this article, inshaAllah, can shed some light on the first hadith:
Ada juga indeks yang turun; indeks moral pemimpin....
Ingin menumpang mencari ilmu juga di sini....
but we can see the disaster everywhere now right...
perlu huraian lagi ke tuan?
terima kasih atas peringatan2 tersebut.
saya hanya membaca penghuraian si penghurai..
the 1st is like malaysia refusing to adopt Qisas and we muslims malaysians not doing anything about it. So, we are guilty as well lest we reject and object those in authority
the second is self explanatory.... crooked rulers/scholars produces crooked followers. do not be the followers.
3rd is about giving more than you get. so those in position should not live in mahligais and cannot have luxury .... at all. please do not follow Muawiyah....
zalimin have no refuge in god in the 4th
and d last try to tell u that u do have a choice in Islam..... and what u choose is actually has already been written. so choose wisely.
Apo lak nak uraikan lagi. Dah torang dah tu. Dunia ni sementara je dan segalanye kat dunia ni ujian je. Kaya ke... miskin ke... kalau fail gi neraka gak. Syurga untuk orang yang pass ujian tu je.
Si anonymous tu cam ok je jawap nye.
waallah wa'lam
kalau nak huraian tu, kena tengok kitab ni, al-maklum ilmu 'fi sodri' ni kurang sikit. lagi pun sang pencinta tak de tauliah ni. susah sekarang, kita cakap ni kena ada tauliah. tak de nanti, merundum index kita ni. lagi teruk kena extend dek bursa 'malaysia'. tapi tak pe, ustaz kita ada tauliah. nanti anakanda print out, minta dia hurai. tak pun dia suruh kita puna r.a buat kerja. wallahu a'lam
"It was Muawiyah who made the mosque the centre of Muslim political and social community and discourse." Correction.... I believe d last Prophet did it first. But perhaps there was not much politics then. No persidangan UMNO hehehe. And.....
"And as for lavishness, well, after the righteous caliphs, how many can stand up and say I didn't do that?".... Brother, I hope There's still time for repentance. U said it like its a norm to do it nowadays and everybody do it. I beg of you, Please repent before its too late.
Someone said this at a lecture:
'All the sheikhs/ulama put together are much less than the sahaba'.
If the ulama (and by this I mean all of the ulama throughout history, Imam Ghazali, Ibn Hajar, Imam Nawawi, etc.) cannot hope to equal the sahaba, what more can we say about ourselves? The sahaba did their best that they could, given their circumstances, during their time. I don't know if we can say the same about ourselves.
As for repentance, Rasulullah saw repented 70 times a day. So if it isn't a norm already, it should be as it is his (saw) sunnah.
Annecdote about the new Malaysia Hall:
Not long after it was built, I happened to be in the neighbourhood (I think it was after Jamuan Raya MSD, which was nice) to solat Zuhr. I asked the (Muslim) lady at the counter. She said the prayer room is closed on Sundays as it is out of office hours. I was quite stunned that I couldn't say a word. My friend almost answered back 'so we don't have to pray outside of office hours?' but she didn't want to be rude on Raya. I actually considered spreading my jacket on the floor in front of her to pray there and then. But we finally decided to walk out, came across this hotel called 'An-Nur'. We asked the non-Muslim receptionist if we could possibly pray in a corner somewhere. She and her non-Muslim colleague kindly led us to their empty restaurant, showed us where to make wudhu, and left us to pray in peace and privacy. It turned out later that the hotel is owned by the Sultan of Brunei.
But even so, it is sad that the non-Muslims in that hotel made more effort to ensure we could pray on time than our fellow countrywoman/Muslim did. I guess this is the state of our ummah.
Needless to say I never went to Malaysia Hall again.
kalau ada indeks perpecahan umat, saya rasa makin meningkat juga...
Tuan Keng,
Nak cari ahli yang pandai menghurai agak susah.
Nak cari ahli yang pandai-pandai menghurai mungkin mudah.
Thank you.
And Salam.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
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